15+ Effective Winter Tips That You Must Know
25 Sep 2024
15+ Effective Winter Travel Tips
Here are some winter tips to travel that one must check out.
Pre-travel preparation for your winter trip
Medical check up
Winter weather can be a frequent contributor to catching the cold and flu and it can ruin your travel planning and expectations. Get yourself a medical check-up before making a long trip. Worst-case scenarios include being stuck in a country with medical expenses beyond your means, or worse, unavailability of medical aid. Do all you can to avoid such a situation. Always make sure to wash your hands or use a hand sanitizer constantly to avoid the spreading of germs.Ensure your itinerary and all bookings are done
It is wise to make bookings for accommodation well in advance; being stranded without accommodation on a cold winter’s night figures on the list of any tourist’s worst nightmare. Do your own bit of research regarding the destination so that you are not left at the mercy of a tour guide.
Take Travel Insurance
When planning on a journey, especially a long trip overseas you should consider having travel insurance cover. With the cover, you are safe from any expenses that may arise while travelling. Insurance gives you the payback in case of an emergency cancellation of the trip. It also covers medical expenses and holiday disasters like delayed baggage, loss of gadgets and personal possessions.Winter Packing List - Documents
Your documents, including tickets, passport, visas, driver’s license should be kept in a waterproof pouch, one that you will have strapped on to your person at all times.
Winter Packing Tips - Medical Aid & Cosmetics
Medication, including that for altitude and motion sickness, should be easily accessible to you. I have heard acustraps work for motion sickness, so give them a try. Be informed regarding any health risks your destination may present. Winter destinations, in particular, demand rigorous moisturising of your skin; this means packing a moisturising lotion as well as a lip balm. A box of plasters and antiseptic cream will serve you well, as will a mosquito repellent. Even though most hotels provide toiletries like soap, napkins, towels, shampoo, and toothpaste, these as well as others are best to come prepared with.Winter Packing Tips - Wardrobe & Winter Clothing
Be prepared in the wardrobe department. Most popular winter destinations will have an abundance of winter wear but it is best you go prepared. And by prepared, I mean thermals, underwear, sweaters, jackets, gloves, scarfs, mufflers, shoes and socks. You do not want to be caught out in the cold. Items like a clothesline and multi-purpose travel wash, if you are looking to save on laundry, are a good idea. Also, this would mean planning your wardrobe well, as clothes take longer to dry in low temperatures. Outerwear A trench coat is the most essential thing to carry while travelling on a cold weather winter vacation. It gives you warmth and makes you look more stylish. Add an orange colour trench coat to the list to pop colour to your winter wear. [caption id="attachment_4420" align="aligncenter" width="800"]

Food For Winter
On long commutes, food may not always be accessible, so packing biscuits or food bars will save you from a grumbling stomach and a lousy mood.
Essential Tools
A Swiss army knife has come to my rescue on numerous occasions, as has something as simple as a needle and thread. Experienced travellers recommend carrying your own padlock for the room you will be staying in, even if the hotel provides its own.Cellphone & Connectivity
Many need to stay connected back home and this can be tricky if you’re in another country. In such cases, do your bit of research regarding call and internet rates. Investigate Wi-Fi options; be it in your hotel room, at an Internet cafe, in a coffee shop, from pay services or from a MiFi account. Check out JiWire.com for international Wi-Fi spots; searching by your destination makes it really easy to figure out what companies offer Wi-Fi services where you are headed. Consider an international text message package from your carrier if this will be important on your trip. To avoid instant charges, which could lighten your wallet by quite a bit, you should do the following: Turn off 3G (or 4G), turn off cellular data and turn off data roaming. Reset all your usage statistics, to track how many minutes, how much data, and how many texts you have used during your trip.Technology & Electronics
Download a web mapping application. Unfortunately, technology is not always reliable, so carry and get familiar with good ol’ fashioned paper maps. Google Goggles is a boon for independent travellers. You simply click a picture of the place and it will give you its history, location and other specifics.
Be prepared for a change of plan
Before you depart, search a little about the route on the Google map. It’s very important that you’re ready for anything on the road that could slightly change your plans, including construction, road closings and traffic hurdles. Also, check for the timings of the destination spots you are up to. Some destination timings might be changed on festive holidays. Be prepared for all such situations and be ready for a change of plan. Have a list of tourist spots to choose from, in case of any change in your plan.Eat and drink smartly
Always keep the body hydrated and eat every few hours to stay warm. Choose food like bread, oatmeal, dried fruits that contain carbs, good fat, and boost energy all day.
Practice Wellness
Many experienced travellers take supplements like Vitamin C, Vitamin B, Vitamin D and probiotics that provide a boost to the immune system. Also, take the essential medicines for fever and cold. You can even take it one step further by getting your flu shot before your trip.Take Breaks
During winter vacations, sometimes we get so excited to explore all the places that we forget to take care of ourselves. Plan ahead and take some time to rest and stay hydrated and stretch your legs as often as possible.Exercise before bed
Warm-up your body and increase the blood flow by simple exercises like jumping jacks, squats or burpees.
Learn new skills
Travelling helps us to know more about ourselves. Explore the places and be sportive to try new things. Winter is the best season to learn new skills like skiing, ziplining, snowboarding, trekking, hiking and many more. These sports will let you know what all are your interests and what you are scared of. Don’t forget to include the gear of the adventure sport you are going to try in your packaging list.Travel Light
Try to carry just the essential things and be sure of what to carry. Prepare a packaging list to know what exactly needs to be carried. Travelling light makes your travel comfortable and flexible. No matter how far you are travelling or how long you are going, a lighter suitcase translates to easier mobility.
Winter Tips At A Glance:
- The early bird avoids soaring flight costs.
- Be seasonally savvy.
- Beware of hidden extras.
- Pack in the activities, not the clothes.
- There is no substitute for local knowledge.
- Choose your priority – local or luxury.
- Ensure you’re insured.
- Stay warm and hydrated.
- Tiny naps are better to overcome winter stress.
- Be fit to be alert.
- Less luggage means more comfort.